Cass River Water Trail Website

Developed as a standalone website to provide outreach to water trail users and helps promote the water trail brand.

Since the website launched in 2018, TGC  has helped manage the website and assisted with updates and integration of Terrain360.

Frankenmuth Chamber of Commerce
635 South Main Street
Frankenmuth, MI 48734

Jamie Furbush
(989) 652-6106, ext.21

Cass River Greenway
c/o 240 W. Genesee St.
Frankenmuth, MI 48734

Robert Zeilinger

Date: 2017 – 2018

Develop a website that incorporates interactive maps and help users find a trip navigate the river.

Launched summer 2018, the website includes:

  • information on how to plan a trip
  • static and interactive web maps
  • river conditions and safety information
  • fishing opportunities
  • trail town descriptions and amenities
  • camping, rentals and tours
  • historic information and photos
  • upcoming events
  • fully responsive website for cell phones, tablets, laptops and desktops