Grand Rapids Bike Route Wayfinding Demonstration Project
Demonstration project evaluating two different sign sizes for bicycle wayfinding. This project was part of the Michigan Department of Heath and Human Services Active Transportation Initiative (CDC 1422 Grant).
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
P.O Box 30037
Lansing, MI 48909
Jan de la Torre, Project Mgr.
Jill Myer, Project Supervisor
Kent County Health Department
Date: 2015 – 2018
Our Task
This project started as a wayfinding plan to connect people to parks in a neighborhoods in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Out of the plan grew a demonstration project which included 15 signs connecting Garfield Park to the Oxford Trails in Grand Rapids. Signs were made of polycore and were mounted on existing posts where available. The demonstration project took place in Fall 2017 and two different sign sizes were evaluated.