MDOT Grand Region Nonmotorized Plan & Bike Maps

The purpose of a Nonmotorized Transportation Plan for the 13 counties within the MDOT Grand Region is to create a tool, not only for MDOT staff, but also for the vast number of stakeholders, agencies and organizations in the Region. The plan will be a tool to document existing and proposed facilities; identify opportunities to enhance nonmotorized transportation; prioritize nonmotorized investments; and continue to foster cooperative planning and implantation across the region.

Additional information and project materials can be found at

Michigan Department of Transportation
425 West Ottawa Street
PO Box 30050
Lansing, MI 48909

Cynthia Krupp
(517) 335-2923

Prime Contractor
Leah Groya
(313) 974-7602

Date: 2016-2017

TGC’s key roles included, compiling existing documents and data, website and online map development, design and creation of a GIS nonmotorized inventory database of all planned and existing facilities in the entire region, and road and trail bicycling guides for the northern and southern counties in the Grand Region.