MTGA Cross State Trail Marketing and Branding Strategies
The overall purpose of this project was to develop recommendations for the branding and marketing of a cross-state trail or state trail system focusing on what has been called the Michigan Airline Trail from South Haven to Port Huron.
Michigan Trails and Greenways Alliance
1213 Center St
Lansing, MI 48906
Nancy Krupiarz, Executive Director
Date: 2010-2011
Project Team
Prime: Greenway Collaborative, Inc
Sub-contract: Savitski Design
Our Task
For this project the marketing and branding strategies included the development of a trail name, logo, wayfinding signage, brochure and website.
The challenge was providing a brand for a trail that was made up of 15 different segments, each separately owned and operated by different state and local agencies.
Web Surveys
May 2010 Results
September 2010 Results
Stakeholder Workshop
Stakeholder Webinar