St. Clair County Nonmotorized Guidelines

These guidelines provide an approach to accommodating bicycling, walking and other non-motorized modes of travel on and across MDOT’s trunkline system in St. Clair County.

Michigan Department of Transportation
425 West Ottawa Street
PO Box 30050
Lansing, MI 48909

Todd Kauffman

Date: 2004-2005

Prime: The Greenway Collaborative, Inc
Sub-contract: Midwestern Consulting, LLC

The guidelines provide a context sensitive solutions based approach for accommodating bicycle and pedestrian travel along and across the trunkline system in St. Clair County. The document was structured such that is could apply to other agencies and other regions.  The guidelines include an inventory of existing and proposed non-motorized facilities, a context based analysis for existing and future land uses, recommendations for MDOT staff training and utilization, a facility selection guide/matrix, a facility funding guide/matrix, and design guidelines.

St Clair County Nonmotorized Guidelines