MDOT Regional Bicycle & Pedestrain Advisory Committee

An initiative to foster communication between MDOT and partner agencies involved in the planning, design and implementation of bicycle facilities in the State of Michigan and further the Context Sensitive Design and Complete Streets Efforts of MDOT.

Michigan Department of Transportation
425 W. Ottawa Street
P.O. Box 30050
Lansing, MI 48909

Josh Debruyn, Project Manager

Date: 2013 – 2014

Prime: The Greenway Collaborative, Inc
Sub-contract: livingLAB, Inc

The Greenway Collaborative and livingLAB were hired by MDOT to facilitate meetings of the Regional Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committees throughout the State of Michigan.  A total of 22 meetings were conducted over the span of a year, with 3 – 4 meetings in each of the 6 MDOT Regions.  The meetings address education, encouragement, engineering, evaluation and planning issues. A project website was created along with GIS files of the 5 year program.