City of Clawson Downtown Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan
The City of Clawson and DDA have made great strides in making Clawson a walkable and bikable community. This project focuses on improving the safety and connectivity of Downtown Clawson to make it a better place for bicyclists and pedestrians.
City of Clawson DDA
425 N Main Street
Clawson, MI 48017
Joan Horton
Date: 2012
Our Task
This project specifically focused on improving pedestrian access across 14 Mile Road and Main Street in Downtown Clawson. It also looked at how to integrate bicycle facilities into the downtown area and improve the streetscape to further enhance the pedestrian environment and create a strong sense of place. Public participation was encourage through the process via a on-line survey and two public open house sessions.
Four of the proposed pedestrian crossing islands along 14 Mile Road were approved for the Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) and will be constructed by July 2014.
Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan
Public Engagement
Alternatives Public Open House Presentation
Preliminary Plan Open House Presentation