Greenway Plan for the Greater Riverfront East District of Detroit

The plan extends the Riverwalk and utilizes complete streets, neighborhood connector routes and potential off-road trails to create a network of Urban Greenways through the Greater Riverfront East District of Detroit.

The Villages CDC
14628 E Jefferson
Detroit, MI 48215

Shue-Jane Gallagher

Date: 2013 – 2014

Cheryl Zuellig, Project Manager

The Greenway Collaborative teamed with JJR and Active Transportation Alliance to assist The Villages CDC in the development of a greenway plan.  The Greenway Collaborative provided expertise for the development of bicycle and pedestrian facilities for the plan.  This included a detailed inventory and analysis of the roadway segments, potential off-road trail connections, a block-size analysis, the primary lead and facilitator for the web survey and detailed recommendations for the proposed alternatives.