City of Ann Arbor Comprehensive Non-motorized Transportation Plan

It is envisioned that the City of Ann Arbor Comprehensive Non-motorized Transportation Plan will result in a greater number of individuals freely choosing alternative transportation modes which will lead to healthier lifestyles, improved air quality, and a safer, more sustainable transportation system.

City of Ann Arbor 
100 N. Fifth Ave
P.O. Box 8647
Ann Arbor, MI 48107

Jeff Kahan

Date: 2004 – 2007

Prime: The Greenway Collaborative, Inc
Midwestern Consulting, LLC
Alta Planning + Design
LMK Consulting

The Ann Arbor Comprehensive Non-motorized Transportation Plan identifies the means to establish a physical and cultural environment that supports and encourages safe, comfortable and convenient ways for pedestrians and bicyclists to move throughout the City and into the surround communities. The plan was guided by a project advisory committee and includes recommendations for policies, programs, and infrastructure improvements. The plan includes low-cost near-term roadway modifications that detail how bike lanes may be added to 2/3 of the primary roads.