Biking in the Boro Map and Pocket Guide

A bicycle map for Spingboro Ohio that provides suggested bike routes within the city and to regional destinations, highlights points of interests, and provides safety information.

City of Springboro
320 W Central Ave
Springboro, OH 45066

Dan Boron

Date: 2013 – 2014 (updates provided in 2016 and 2018)

To develop a large display case guide map and pocket map for the City of Springboro that illustrates existing bicycle facilities, recommended bike routes, key destinations, inset maps of regional links, index of parks and attractions, bicycle laws, bicycle safety information and local event and resource information. TGC also completed map updates in 2014, 2016, 2018 and 2020.

The Greenway Collaborative also prepared the City of Springboro Bicycle and  2020 Plan Update, City of Springboro Bicycle & Pedestrian 2013 Plan and Biking in the Boro – Phase 1 Bicycle Wayfinding.