City of East Lansing Non-motorized Plan

The City of East Lansing is poised to become a great city for walking and bicycling. There is potential to add over 9 miles of bike lanes to primary roadways in the near future just by restriping the roadways.

City of East Lansing
410 Abbott Road
East Lansing, MI 48823

Todd Sneathen, PE

Date: 2009, Adopted 2009

The plan is a public workshop driven process that provides detailed recommendations for a non-motorized network that includes Bike Lanes, Off-road Trails, Crossing Improvements, Sidewalk Improvements, and Neighborhood Connector Routes. The recommendations for the plan were broken into near-term and long-term improvements to help guide implementation. Policy and program recommendations were also included to help promote and support non-motorized transportation in the City.

Non-motorized Transportation Plan

Spring Workshop
Inventory and Analysis Maps
Base Map
Public Input

Fall Workshop
Public Input