The Greater Mt. Pleasant Non-motorized Master Plan
Made possible by a grant from the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe, this plan is a collaborative effort between The City of Mt. Pleasant, Union Township, Isabella County, The Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe, Central Michigan University and other organizations to provide non-motorized transportation throughout the region.
Charter Township of Union
2010 S Lincoln Road
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858
Woody Woodruff, Zoning Administrator
989-722-4600 ext.241
Date: 2010
Project Team
Prime: The Greenway Collaborative, Inc
Sub-contract: Wade Trim
Sub-contract: LSL Planning Inc
Our Task
The plan looks at creating a network of bike lanes, neighborhood connector routes, sidewalk improvements, and crossing improvements, along with a 15 mile regional connector trail loop that will provide a family friendly bicycle route that links together key destinations through the Greater Mt. Pleasant Area. Recommended policies, programs and an implementation plan are provided to help support and develop bicycle and pedestrian activity in the region. This effort is coordinated and designed to complement the goals of other redevelopment, trail planning, energy efficiency, stormwater mitigation, recreation, wayfinding and community enhancement efforts.
Non-motorized Master Plan
Network Map
Non-motorized Master Plan by Chapter
Project Goals & Objectives
Inventory & Analysis
Proposed Facilities
Implementation Plan
Planning & Zoning Review and Recommendations
Proposed Policies and Programs
Education & Marketing
Design Guidelines
Public Visioning Workshop
Public Input
Preliminary Plan Workshop
Public Input